2023’s TOP TEN Worship Songs for YOUR CHURCH.

It’s the beginning of a brand new year! That means we’re all slowly detoxing from the steady stream of Christmas music that we’ve all been listening to for the last 60 days — be blessed as you delete Mariah Carey and For King and Country off your Apple Music…

Quick aside… Let’s be honest for a moment. If the title was too click-baity for you, thanks for coming on the journey anyways. This should probably be called ‘10 worship songs that I would encourage you to meet the Lord on first and then suggest for your corporate gatherings…’ but I mean, come on, wasn’t the slight intrigue — or maybe indignation — that you felt when you initially saw this the main reason why you jumped on??? And back to regularly schedule programming…

As you create set lists for the first worship experiences of the New Year, please be intentional. Listen to your pastor and the leadership of your church — where are they feeling led spiritually? What themes are prevalent in message series that are coming up? What are you feeling the Lord reveal to you in this season as you steward the corporate expression of worship in your church? Don’t be quick to just lead the newest single from your favourite artist OR jump right back into where you were in November because you have to get those songs in front of your church again.

“These are the words that we are putting in our church’s mouths to articulate their journey of faith with Jesus — it’s worth some thought, prayer and intentionality.

Here’s my TOP TEN Worship Songs that I think you should be listening to and auditioning for your church in 2023.

Take You At Your Word | Cody Carnes (ft. Benjamin Hastings)

If you’re like me, you’re always looking for a new up-tempo, song 1 option but you also don’t want to compromise on powerful lyrics. Cody and Benjamin team up to offer a great songs to the church that emphasizes the journey of faith and trusting in God that’s over 100 bpm and has some tasty musical elements. I’m pumped to lead this one in 2023!

I Just Love You | Gateway Worship (ft. Zac Rowe)

This song does two things that I think are desperately needed within the worship ‘genre’ — it is simple and it provides space. It features honest lyrics paired with no nonsense melody that will serve your congregation while also being a great launching pad into contemplative and spontaneous worship moments.

The Dove | T

he Belonging Co. (ft. Kari Jobe)

I love songs with lyrics that feature the beauty of the progressive revelation of Scripture. This songs connects Genesis 1 and 8 to Matthew 3 and then Acts 2 in a beautiful yet corporate way. I was in the room when it was recorded for Cody’s upcoming release and you could genuinely feel that this song was passionately birthed out of the writing rooms at TBCO in a way that I believe will translate beyond Nashville and into your church.

Holy Forever |

Chris Tomlin

I find that when I’m looking for throne rooms songs that focus on the theme of ‘holiness’ I have to dig back into some of the older classics. Tomlin brings a fresh offering that I think will help worship leaders as we continue to teach and encourage a God-focused posture of worship. This song will also serve as a great launching pad for in-set teaching moments.

Sound Mind |

Jonathan and Melissa Helser

This song is a timely offering from the Helsers; featuring a depth of lyric and theme that addresses the epidemic of mental health struggles prevalent in our church communities. This song would pair well with a teaching moment or a mental health message series. I would also feature this song outside of a weekend service as a powerful tool for people in your church as they go through their day-to-day.

Forever YHWH |

Elevation Worship (ft. Tiffany Hudson)

This is the sleeper pick from Elevation’s ‘LION’ record that I think a lot of people missed — and also the best song on the record in my opinion. In beautiful simplicity that lends itself to weekend congregations, it emphasizes the names of God and the power that they hold. With church leaders looking to bring Biblical literacy to a generation that has commonly lacked Scriptural discipline, this can be a powerful song to teach to your church.

Jesus Have It All |

Jeremy Riddle

In case you missed it, Jeremy Riddle is putting on a clinic in SoCal on how to revitalize a local church’s worship expression. This is a simple prayer that I think will be a beautiful song of surrender for congregations. Don’t let the arrangement fool you, I think it can easily be reimagined for a more full weekend band and be built into an anthem for your corporate gatherings.

Jesus Over Everything |

The Belonging Co. (ft. Andrew Holt)

The sheer number of songs birthed out of the songwriting community at TBCO that are perfect for local church worship is staggering. This song is a powerful confession of Jesus’ Lordship and power, perfect for a worship set or response time. Featuring anthemic melody and prophetic lyrics, I believe that as you lead this song in confidence you will see your church rise to the powerful expression of this song.

Where I’m Standing Now |

Phil Wickham (ft. Brandon Lake)

Sometimes you just need a bold song of faith paired with an anthemic melody that your church can grab ahold of and prophecy with. I’m genuinely surprised that I didn’t hear a lot of churches lead this song last year — it’s alright to miss an anthem or two here and there. Pair this song with a testimony or bring into your repertoire and watch it go off on Sunday!

Monday Morning Faith |

SEU Worship (ft. Chelsea Plank)

Stick with me for a moment… This song is pretty niche but it made my list because of the beauty of the theme and the uniqueness of the lyrics. One of the things that the church has learnt over the past couple of years is that we need, more than ever, to encourage people to a faith expressed beyond Sundays. This song might not be for your regular rotation but it would pair powerfully with a message series.

Looking for more information on how to create powerful set lists for your church’s weekend experience, check out my IG this week as I post about curating a list of songs for your church and prayerfully selecting sets that lead to powerful encounters with the LORD.

Like what you’re hearing? Completely disagree? Drop a comment below with your thoughts and let’s get the convo started!


The 5 Step Process to Crafting Powerful Set Lists.


7 Hebrew Words for Praise.