• Weekend services, worship nights, conferences and events — let’s work together to make yours an amazing opportunity for people to meet Jesus.

  • Whether it’s one-on-one coaching or team workshops, let over 10 years of local church, touring, studio and music industry experience speak into your creative culture.

    *Available in-person or remote.

  • From co-writing sessions and creative project writing to publishing and producing, let’s create something that focuses people on Jesus and encourages their journey of faith.

  • From producing to engineering and mixing, let’s take your song from voice memo to stage ready together

Joel Varty

Celebration Church (Edmonton, AB)

“The major difference we saw after our time with Jon was the confidence that our team in leading our church towards an encounter with the Holy Spirit. He was so encouraging and helped to steer our team towards leading the church with confidence and conviction. 


  • The primary focus of coaching (or mentoring) is to help an individual or team to be the most effective that they can be. I come alongside of teams who use the creative arts within a local church environment to share the gospel and encourage the church. We work together to identify areas for growth, create strategies and vernacular to achieve that growth and provide support along the way. Every church can benefit from creative coaching because every church needs to continue to grow regardless of size or sphere of influence.

  • I work with churches of all sizes and shapes; flavours, denominations, vibes — whatever you want to call it. The smallest church I’ve worked with is 18 people, the largest is 10,000. I’ve worked with churches that have a lot to figure out and need pretty intense cultural restructuring and I’ve also worked with churches who are moving forward with good momentum and looking to take their creative expression to the next level.

  • A great preview of some of the conversations that I have with local churches is on Instagram or on my Blog. Most of these posts are inspired by regularly requested topics or commonly asked questions during workshops or coaching sessions. However, I do my best to get to know each church and creative team and create content that is uniquely suited to their needs; no two churches are the same and I want to honour to the diversity of each expression when I work alongside of them by understanding their values, mission and style.

  • Of course! I love leading worship. Here’s the honest truth though… Bringing in guest worship for a weekend or event can help to elevate your church’s worship expression but bringing in coaching to work with your team and help them grow can elevate your church’s worship culture. Culture is built on consistency that leads to trust. So while I would love to join you for worship, I would also love to make a larger deposit by working with your team to see real and meaningful growth that impacts your church week-in and week-out.

  • I do my absolute best to stay accessible for local church environments. Yes, this is how I pay my bills and put food on the table for my family BUT I’ve also worked in local church environments for many years and I understand that budgets can be limited especially when it comes to investing in creative arts culture and teams.

    My honorarium expectations are…

    $400.00 - Worship Leading (multiple services included).

    $400.00 - In-Person Team Workshops.

    $250.00 - Remote Workshops (via ZOOM).

    $85.00 - One-On-One Coaching Sessions.

    *All costs in Canadian Dollars (CAD).

    I do my best to stay flexible with travel arrangements, accommodations and food costs; I’m here to serve your church community, not to break the bank.

    These costs serve as a benchmark for the value that I hope to bring to your church community and creative culture. Some churches choose to bless us beyond these amounts and we are grateful but we can accessibility for local churches to always be the primary motivator.

  • Important question — you’re inviting me into a position of influence in your environment and it’s important that we’re somewhat aligned so that it’s beneficial for your creative community and church.

    I want to major on the majors and honour your decisions when it comes to the minors. At the end of the day, diversity is a beautiful part of the body of Christ and our willingness to unify around Jesus as the only way to the salvation for those who would call on His name is essential in continuing to see our churches flourish and our nation saved. While I maintain a Pentecostal distinctive in my own theology, I have worked alongside of basically every denomination from Baptists to Missionary Alliance to Apostolic with success. I have also enjoyed working with parachurch organizations who seek to unify different denominations or networks under common purposes.

    I attended Global University Canada (an extension of the Assemblies of God) and have worked with and in Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) churches and Bible Colleges. For more comprehensive faith statements, please see their website.

    I also have a huge love for the Association of Related Churches (ARC) community. I have worked extensively with their Canadian expression and have phenomenal friendships in their network.

  • As much as this season has been meaningful productive and enjoyable, we have been reminded that our true love is working in local church alongside of people within relationship. We really miss being plugged in to a local body and doing life alongside of others; having a place that our family is rooted in and connected to. Travelling is a privilege but it’s not something that we will be doing permanently. We’ve always known that is only going to be a season but we’ve been blessed to meet new people and celebrate church cultures that we otherwise would never have experienced.

  • Movement Worship (MW) was, and always will be, an important part of our journey. We were honoured to be able to start and work with that family to write music for the church and release it beyond that local context. However, MW is intentionally an expression of Movement Church (MC) and what God is doing uniquely in that environment. We are no longer a part of MC so, therefore, it doesn’t make any sense for us to be a part of MW. We wish nothing but the best for that community and hope that they can stay true and authentic to who they are and what God is doing in them.


Your church, your team, your people — are beautifully unique.

Regardless of whether your creative culture is brand-new or well-established, you know that there’s room to grow. Healthy culture is always learning, developing and experimenting; healthy leaders are continually resourcing and equipping their teams.

Let’s work together to make your creative culture the best it can be.