Conversations to encourage and challenge leaders and creatives within the local church.

Should Your Church Stop Singing On Sundays?
Jon Slater Jon Slater

Should Your Church Stop Singing On Sundays?

For centuries, church gatherings have been synonymous with music and creative arts, but what if your church’s musical expression wasn’t actually helping you accomplish your vision and goals? What if it’s actually a barrier to you achieving what the Lord has uniquely purposed your church to do? What if the resources, time and energy that you invest into your church’s live music could be better spent and see greater impact in a different area?

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If You’ve Been Hurt In Church…
Jon Slater Jon Slater

If You’ve Been Hurt In Church…

Being hurt within a church community seems to be an unfortunate reality for many Christians… While there is no such thing as a perfect church, many people who have experienced ‘church hurt’ begin to believe things about themselves as a result of their trauma. Moreover, they apply what they’ve experienced to every church, individual and leader and disengage from meaningful engagement in Biblical community.

Here are statements that I’ve used to remind myself that my experience and emotions don’t get to have the final say when it comes to the community in which I grow, worship and serve.

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Creating a TEAM HANDBOOK for your Creative Culture.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

Creating a TEAM HANDBOOK for your Creative Culture.

So much tension and turnover in church teams stems from a lack of healthy and honest communication of values and expectations. Culture is both taught and caught. One of the best ways to ensure that your culture’s expectations are understood is by creating a team handbook.

Check out my key ingredients for creating your handbook AND sign up to get a free copy emailed to you today.

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Common Clichés Worship Leaders Should Stop Using.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

Common Clichés Worship Leaders Should Stop Using.

Words are important. Cultures are built and broken upon the values that are expressed in vernacular. Trust is given and authenticity is gauged based on word choice. As we lead people in their articulation of faith we need to be intentional. Here’s some clichés I catch worship leaders using — and have used myself — that I think need to be shelved.

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What Creatives Should Be Looking For In Lead Pastors.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

What Creatives Should Be Looking For In Lead Pastors.

Searching for a church environment to serve in as a creative can be a daunting task. With each role and leader being unique, the number of variables and questions that you may have heading into an interview process can make you want to give up entirely. Here are a few things that I think creatives should be looking for in lead pastors they want to work for.

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7 Hebrew Words for Praise.
Worship, Worship Leading, Worship Culture Jon Slater Worship, Worship Leading, Worship Culture Jon Slater

7 Hebrew Words for Praise.

WORSHIP LEADERS! One of our primary roles in serving the local church is to teach our congregations how to worship.

More than just providing art that focuses their attention on Jesus and space in which to be able to express praise and worship corporately, we need to give them tools that increase their knowledge, understanding and hunger for their own personal expression of thanksgiving, adoration and surrender. Equipped with this knowledge and understanding that takes our focus off of our own preferences and towards God’s, we can lead our churches into a truer and deeper place of praise and worship.

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5 Reminders for Creatives During the Crazy of Local Church Christmas.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

5 Reminders for Creatives During the Crazy of Local Church Christmas.

Shout out to all of the creatives putting in the extra time to serve their communities this Christmas season!

But hey, I get it — over 10 years of working in local church environments has taught me… In the busyness of the local church calendar, staying focused on the why behind the madness if easier said than done. Let’s work together to keep the main thing the main thing this Christmas season!

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5 Essential Skills for Church Creatives…
Jon Slater Jon Slater

5 Essential Skills for Church Creatives…

Like many church creatives, we found ourselves serving in the church because we are passionate about what we do. But as we mature in our roles as more than just musicians, artists, cinematographers, etc… We begin to learn that more than just the skills of our craft are essential to the way that we serve our local church communities. These essential skills are non-negotiable if you want to see impact and longevity in your ministry.

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How To Build Your Creative Culture.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

How To Build Your Creative Culture.

Are you so busy working IN the ministry that you aren’t getting the time to work ON the ministry?

We love to talk about ‘culture’ as though it’s a buzz word with magical connotations but it’s actually the sum of an intentionally inaugurated and maintained set of values that has been explicitly communicated, authentically demonstrated and beautifully celebrated.

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Three Tips to Reducing Doodling During Rehearsals.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

Three Tips to Reducing Doodling During Rehearsals.

In the spirit of keeping things loose and fun, doodling can offer a pressure release on a busy Sunday morning. But doodling can also become a distraction to your team, sidetracking synergy and momentum and causing frustration across the stage. Will we ever eliminate it fully from our rehearsals? Probably not… But is it worth working on the way we run rehearsals to keep things cohesive and productive? Absolutely!

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Three Keys to Identifying Toxic Leadership.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

Three Keys to Identifying Toxic Leadership.

it seems like ‘toxic’ is a buzz word in today’s Christian vocabulary when it comes to describing leaders and Church culture. But we do really know what we mean when we describe someone’s leadership as toxic?

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Shifting Your Church’s Worship Culture w/ Inclusive Language.
Jon Slater Jon Slater

Shifting Your Church’s Worship Culture w/ Inclusive Language.

Your church is not an audience singing popular songs that they like — or don’t like — back to a band that is playing through parts. Your church is a collective expression of individual believers, joining together to worship the Lord and have their lives shaped into His image. Too many worship cultures suffer from an ‘us versus them’ mentality when in reality you can encourage a more participative, engaged and wholistic expression of worship with some simple word changes.

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